Feel as though your strata services aren’t being fulfilled by your current Strata Management company?
The most common reasons we have new clients reach out looking to change Strata Management companies is due to a lack of communication, poor service, and maintenance concerns.
It can be hard to gauge whether your recent experiences are a bump in the road or signs of inadequate service. Our top three red flags when it comes to Strata Management companies are:
- Extensive levy arrears
- Ill-maintained common areas and unaddressed maintenance and repair requests
- Late AGMs (legislation requires an AGM every year, within three months of the EOFY)
Sometimes, you can address your concerns and the Strata Management company will resolve them by improving processes or assigning another Strata Manager to your complex. When that is unsuccessful and issues persist, educating yourself and fellow members of your options (and strata management solutions) is always beneficial to avoid ongoing maintenance issues impacting your day-to-day lives or worse, property values.
We understand the idea of changing Strata Management companies can seem a bit daunting – this is why ESM offers a free meet and greet. Your potential new Strata Manager will come present a proposal for your complex and walk you through the many ways in which ESM works tirelessly to prioritise trust and alignment with our clients and partners. These include:
- A dedicated Customer Service & Support team; assisting our Strata Management Teams in the smooth and successful running of your strata. ESM have more people working together to support you and your proprietors than any other strata management company in WA
- Team leader escalation process; matters can be escalated to a dedicated Team Leader who oversees and assists the Strata Managers and our clients on a daily basis
- Commitment to education; empowering our clients, suppliers and staff with the latest and most relevant information as well as providing a state-of-the-art, online knowledgebase for all things strata
- PiQ Client Portal; giving you 24/7 access to building and lot information, reports, documents and more
By addressing communication concerns, showcasing the efficiency of services ESM offer and the coverage of our targeted teams, we are able to alleviate concerns for individuals or groups displeased with their current strata management. Whilst the process for changing strata companies can seem quite daunting, once you’ve taken this first step your ESM Strata Manager will help you navigate and action the change.
Get in touch with us today if you have any more questions about this process or would like to arrange your free meet and greet.