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Here at ESM, we work with a variety of strata types, including residential, commercial, resort and lifestyle, and mixed-use strata. As the name suggest, mixed-use strata is a strata scheme that falls into both categories of residential and commercial. For example, an apartment complex with a cafe and a number of shops would be considered mixed-use strata. You can imagine a Strata Manager who works with a mixed-use strata not only needs to have a thorough understanding of residential and commercial strata but needs to be able to manage the complex needs of all owners and work towards the best interest of all parties.

What are the benefits of mixed-use strata?

Convenient for residents and tenants

A resident living in a mixed-use strata apartment complex is offered the convenience of local businesses in close proximity to them. Popular businesses in strata schemes include coffee shops, pilates studios and medical practices. For these businesses, they can quickly build up a loyal clientele with many residents walking past their storefronts on a daily basis. Their ideal location allows them to position themselves as a business of choice for residents. Why would you get in the car to drive to a coffee shop five or ten minutes away when you can grab a coffee in your building before you head out for the day?

Great sense of community

Mixed-use strata schemes are perfect for building a great sense of community amongst residents and tenants as they greet each other regularly. Mixed-use strata living is for people who love to connect with their neighbours and the business owners who call the strata complex their home. Particularly for people who live on their own, a mixed-use strata feels more like a neighbourhood made up of individuals who can lean on each other.

High demand for selling

From an investment perspective, mixed-use strata lots are in high demand, making them easy to sell. They are considered to be more valuable than commercial only or residential only strata, combining major selling points of both strata types.

Offering affordable lifestyle

Many people after a modern living experience consider purchasing and living in an apartment complex. When you own a lot in the mixed-use strata everything is right at your fingertips – you can take a workout class or get your hair cut without stepping foot outside of your building. In some cases, you may find little use for a car and opt to sell it and use public transport, saving you a considerable amount of money… especially at the moment given how high fuel prices are!

Want to know more about mixed-use strata? Give us a call on 08 9362 1166 or email us at [email protected]. You can also learn more about strata by visiting the News and Resources page on our website.