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Here at ESM, we are committed to empowering our customers, suppliers and staff with knowledge about Strata so that navigating laws and regulations is easy, and positive change can be made effortlessly.

When ESM sat down as a team to re-develop our values and purpose, one of the things everyone agreed on was that Strata Law was complicated – and navigating it, whether you were a Strata Manager who has been in the industry for decades or whether you were a first time owner, was often very tricky. With Strata Act amendments coming into place this year, it became obvious to us that we needed to prioritise education about Strata so that everyone involved could feel empowered to make better informed decisions and really get the most out of Strata Title.

How are we doing it?

We are tackling education and training in a few ways at ESM.

A dedicated Education and Training team

One of the first things we did at ESM was extend an invitation to join a dedicated Education and Training team, responsible for the communication of all things Strata to all of our stakeholders including staff, customers and suppliers. This team currently comprises of 7 individuals all working in different areas of the business. The Education and Training team is led by a dedicated Communications and Training leader and involves the communication of information across over 20 different channels including what is presented to you in AGM’s and through social media.

Dedicated Communications and Training leader

At ESM we have a dedicated communications and training leader who not only leads the Education and Training team but is responsible for the ongoing training of staff in all areas of the business, the on boarding and training program of new staff, the formal qualifications of all our staff and also managing the training budgets for each staff member.

Dedicated training allowance

Every member of ESM has a dedicated training allowance to use each year to further their education in anything they choose. This includes everyone from leaders to strata managers to support staff.

Online Knowledgebase

The Education and Training team has been working hard for 6 months to develop an online Knowledgebase for Staff and Customers to use to further their knowledge about Strata Law and everything Strata. For customers, this is about finding quick and easy answers to the most commonly asked strata questions at a time that suits them (24/7 online access). For Staff, this has been about developing our place of truth and collecting and codifying all the knowledge that our entire team carries in their heads. Our focus on capturing our knowledge capital is an advantage to all our customers because we are able to harness everyones collective experience to support each-other.

Strata Titles Act Amendments Team

ESM Strata has a dedicated Strata Titles Act Amendments Team which is responsible for interpolating and navigating the changes to the Strata Titles Act. This team works closely with the Education and Training team to support our Strata Managers to implement the changes.