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As a strata company, you are required to hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs) every 12 months. These meetings are key to running a strata title as it is where you discuss the strata complex and actions that will need to be taken to maintain the property throughout the year. You also have the opportunity to raise any concerns related to the property or running of the strata.

Each year, the Strata Manager or strata owner selected as chairperson must organize the meeting and make sure it runs smoothly. The responsibilities include:

Creating the agenda: The agenda details all items of discussion for the AGM and is distributed to all members when they are notified when and where the AGM will be held.

Notifying members of the AGM: At least 14 days prior to the scheduled AGM, you must send the meeting notice and agenda to all members. This will also include any motions that need to be resolved or specific items that need to be voted on.

Ensuring there is a quorum to start the meeting: Before the AGM can formally start, you will need a quorum. That is, at least 50% of the strata owners (or their proxies) must be in attendance. If you start the meeting without a quorum, no decision made will be final and you will be required to meet again to finalize them.

Conducting voting sessions: Key to the Strata AGM is setting aside time to vote on important issues and appointments. It is your responsibility to determine how the voting is to take place. Both in-person and virtual AGMs allow you to gather votes with a show of hands. During the session, you are to record the voting results on any issues and appointments as per the AGM agenda.

Keeping the minutes: Minute taking is crucial to any AGM. For a strata AGM, a secretary should be appointed so that detailed minutes can be produced for every AGM and once completed, distributed to the members of the strata company.

What are the benefits of being involved in your strata AGM?

The AGMs are your opportunity to be involved with the running of the strata title and have your say on important issues. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Voting on appointments involved with the strata and elect council members
  • Understand what your strata fees are paying for and how the strata levy is managed
  • Decide how to best manage common areas within the strata
  • Discuss any complaints or grievances and problem solve as a collective to reach a resolution
  • Understand and assist with issues facing other owners


Before the meeting, we recommend you read the agenda. If there are any items missing, contact the Strata Manager or chairperson to have them added to the agenda as applicable and prepare talking notes for items you’d like to contribute to the discussion of. When applicable, you may also want to do your due diligence and bring additional materials to support your opinion.

Have more questions about organizing, running and participating in Strata AGMs? Give us a call on 08 9362 1166 or email us at [email protected]. You can also learn more about strata by visiting the News and Resources page on our website.