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With the state government announcing the details of phase 3 last week, there will be a significant easing of restrictions coming into effect on Saturday 6th June.  This is going to affect many things for us individually, including the opening of gyms, dining venues, beauty therapists etc, and also for how we operate at work.

With the easing of these restrictions, ESM Strata will be re-opening our office to the public from Monday 8th June 2020 so that we can continue to support our clients in day-to-day tasks and host meetings.

Our team will continue to capture the name and contact details of each person that enters the office until restrictions are further lifted. For the wellbeing of our clients, and to ensure that business can now run as usual we will continue imposing physical distancing in accordance with the revised suggestion and personal hygiene will continue to be of the utmost importance.

If you have an AGM or meeting that was postponed due to proximity restrictions, your strata manager will be in contact with you to have this meeting re-scheduled.

For any questions please contact us.

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Suite 15, 443 Albany Highway
Victoria Park, WA 6100


[email protected]


08 9362 1166