At ESM Strata we wholeheartedly believe that teams are the key to building knowledge, inspiring innovation and servicing our customers better. Most of the ESM Strata staff members are part of voluntary teams that support the business in other ways outside of their day-to-day roles within the company. For example we have an education and training team, business development team, events team, relationships team and environmental team who each work towards their own goals and projects to support the company.
One team that has been instrumental over the last year at ESM is the Specialist Team. This team was specifically formed to tackle the amendments to the Strata Titles Act as well as other specialist strata legislation and interpretations. This team has been meeting on a weekly basis for over a year now to review the proposed and the proclaimed amendments to the Strata Titles Act, so that we can draft new internal processes, capture information on our Knowledgebase and create training and information for our team.
Interpreting Strata Titles law and turning it into information that we can use on a daily basis is no easy feat! Some of the advanced topics the specialist team has been working on over the last year include:
- Electronic Voting
- 10 Year Maintenance Plan
- Resolutions Outside of a General Meeting
- Changes that affect the Council of the Strata Company
- Changes to By-laws
- Breach Compliance
- Structural Alterations
At ESM we are very proud of how we are able to consistently stay on top of legislation and information, and update and inject that information into our daily practices.