Landgate has just launched a direct number where property owners can receive support from strata experts.
This is a fantastic service that we encourage all strata owners to utilise when looking for information on their property, their rights and anything else relating to strata in Western Australia.
The phone number is (08) 9273 7047.
From their website:
Landgate is Western Australia’s land information authority and is delivering strata reform on behalf of the State Government.
Through our phone, webchat and email channels, customers can access guidance in relation to strata documentation and information to assist strata participants in understanding their rights, responsibilities and obligations, as well as any restrictions with respect to strata schemes and lots.
Customers can also obtain information and seek guidance regarding Community Titles.
Contact Landgate customer service by:
Strata Enquiries phone (08) 9273 7047
Customer Service (General enquiries) phone (08) 9273 7373
Webchat Available via
Email [email protected]