Save yourself time and money, get ready your strata company winter ready.
Proactive strata company maintenance is important all year round however, winter maintenance is crucial as a Perth winter can wreak havoc on a building in need of maintenance, prevention is the best cure.
To ensure your home or investment property is well maintained and ready for winter.
Roof condition
Many owners forget about the condition of their roof. Poorly maintained roofs can not only been unsightly but lead to water damage which quickly spreads its way into other areas of your property. Even a small leak can result in an array of issues such as mould, damaged installation, bubbling paint, rotting frames just to name a few.
It’s better to get an inspection early, while the weather is still clear and before any water has made its way into your home.
Gutters cleaning
It can be hard to know what condition your gutters are in as they are often out of sight, out of mind. However, gutters should be checked and cleaned as a part of your homes regular maintenance. During a heavy rain, if the water cannot flow successfully through the gutters, it will want to find an alternative route. This route may be into your home. We recommend that you schedule your gutter cleaning in March or April in readiness for the first winter rains.
Ensure leaves, twigs and other debris that may have found its way into your gutters has been removed. Depending on the location of your gutters you may wish to employ a contractor who specialises in gutters to undertake this work.
Garden maintenance
Heavy winds and rains can turn a well maintained strata company garden into chaos. To avoid this remove overgrown or dead foliage from garden beds and tidy any mulch. This will not only help the reduce any unwanted garden waste making its way into carparks and walkways but also help reduce the spread of rodent and insect nests.
Don’t forget to trim any overgrown vegetation away from gutters.
Reticulation switch-off
The switch-off applies to all scheme and bore water users in Perth and starts on the 1st of June to 31st of August each year. Not only is it important for the environment to reduce the level of water use, the Strata Company can risk a $100 fine for non-compliance. So, remember to ensure that the reticulation is turned off before the 1st of June.
Click hear to read more from the Water Corporation
Check for damp and mould
Avoid the dreaded shock of finding a cupboard full of mould (Help! There is mould in my unit ) or peeling paint in the bathroom. Ensure that you check cupboards frequently and bathroom fans and windows allow sufficient ventilation. You can fght dampness with sufficient insulation, heating, and ventilation.
Click here to read learn what to do if there is mould in your stata company
Read more about strata company winter maintenance.
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If you would like to find out how ESM Strata Managers can support you with your property, please contact us for a quote.