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The Strata Titles Amendment Act, which came into effect on May 1st 2020 makes it easier for strata disputes to be heard by one party in a quick and effective manner.

Previously, strata disputes in WA were heard in four different forums – three different courts and the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT). With the new changes, disputes will be resolved efficiently and at less cost with SAT becoming the ‘one-stop-shop’ for strata disputes.

What is SAT:

SAT is an independent tribunal that is less formal and has more flexible procedures than those used in traditional courts. Under the reforms, SAT will become the ‘one-stop-shop’ for strata disputes.

Under the changes SAT will now:

  • Be given broader powers to resolve scheme disputes (STAA Part 13 sect 197)
  • Be able to enforce an order to act (eg compliance with bylaws) and apply a monetary penalty (sect 207)
  • Be able to override existing scheme bylaws (sect 208)
  • Be empowered to more easily enforce by-laws (STAA Part 4 sect 47(5))

This is a more cost-effective and efficient solution for all parties. It creates broader powers for SAT to resolve scheme disputes, apply penalties and easily enforce by-laws.